Olympic Peninsula Motoring

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Olympic Peninsula Motoring

An Olympic Peninsula based community for all things automotive!

    ***Meets/GTG Rules***


    Male Posts : 66
    Join date : 2009-10-12
    Location : Sequim

    ***Meets/GTG Rules*** Empty ***Meets/GTG Rules***

    Post by azntaiji Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:39 pm

    .:Olympic Peninsula Motoring [OPm] GTG/Event/Meet rules:.

    Organizers (!)

    Only events that have been officialized will be posted on the calendar for finalization. If you want your event to be posted on the calendar, let a mod or admin know via PM.

    You need to attend your own events. You must find a replacement if unable to attend.

    Organizers must be at GTG/Meets on time. If you are going to be late or have a change in event time, you must inform someone else that is going, or update the thread.

    You must contain the following details in your thread: What the general event is about, where it is [adress needed, map recommended], what time it is [specific to the hour], and the date of the event. Anything else you might find useful in the information of the GTG/Event is optional.

    Attendees (!)

    If you plan on attending a GTG/Event you must follow these rules. Failure to do so will result in future expulsion from meets and may result in banning of your OPm username.

    Is this your first OPm meet? If it is, please request the meet's organizer via PM for contact info such as phone number in case you get lost.

    Remember that all attendees are representing OPm in our community and as well as our forum. This means you are expected to respect everyone including non OPm members of our community as well as OPm members. PLEASE watch your language at G2Gs. The last thing venue owner's want is a parking lot/restaurant/movie theater full of a bunch of kids who speak like sailors.

    If you are bringing a guest, you are responsible for their behavior. If your guest is being disrespectful in any wway, they will be asked to leave.

    No continuous/purposeful blaring of music, revving of engines, peeling out, "drifting", or racing at any venue. We don't want any more attention than we'll already be getting, and definitely do not want any negative attention.

    Olympic Peninsula Motoring is here to be fun and welcoming to everyone. We really want to represent our community in a positive way.

    Olympic Peninsula Motoring assumes zero liability from any damages. Partaking of any OPm event constitutes agreement of these rules. Violation of rules may result in a forum infraction. Rules subject to change at any time.

    Last edited by azntaiji on Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:15 pm